Friday, April 30, 2010


In many places in the world fresh unpolluted water is not available and where it is it costs money that the people just don’t have. Many of these families have no way of paying for the fresh drinking water and no way of buying the pills to put in the river water to make it drinkable. In some places you have to pay for a card that gives you access to a water tap but the instructions on how to use it are in English and over half the community cannot understand English. So they are forced to drink the river water which is polluted and toxic. These companies cant bring affordable water to the people and make money for their investors

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ocean currents #2

ocean currents are now being used for alternative energy. Ocean currents carry enoumous amounts of force that could be harvested for energy. This is now being tryed by the unites states, japan, china and some european union countries. Ocean currents are also important to scientists because they have large impact on the globe and earth - atmosphere relations

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

freshwater movie

The movie we watched was called "every drop counts". It was about how much water we use, how much we have left and were the remaining water is.

Quote- “its what we’ve got its all that’s it.”

This talks about how we don’t have much water left and we aren’t going to get anymore. 97% of the worlds water is salt water that only leaves 3% as drinkable water.

Quote- “its melting away its wasting away I need it theirs no doubt about it”

This is about how the worlds water is going away fast and almost everything we do needs water and without it were done. water cant be replaced and theres no material on earth like it

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean Currents

ocean currents are veritcal and horizontal movement of water. currents usualy move in certain directions and help the circulation of earths moisture. surface currents are in the upper 400 meters of the ocean, everything under that is deep water currents. gravity also causes currents by pushing the water down slopes and against land. deep water currents are also efected by gravity but they are mostly caused by density differences in the water

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the tonsil and adenoid are the first line of defence against toxins. the tonsils and adenoids are glands composed of lynthoid tissue. bacteria in the air go to the tonsil and adenoid where they multiply and kind of swell up

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

chloroplast and mitochondrion

Why the mitochondrion and chloroplast are designed the way they are:

the chloroplast creates glucose by using photosynthesis, in photosynthesis the chloroplast uses the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide to a sugar called glucose

The glucose is then sent to the mitochondrion. Where on the inner membrane or cristae a reaction called cellular respiration happens in this reaction the mitochondrion harnesses the energy within glucose to make an energy called ATP

The atp is used as a battery and is sent to other organelles to power their reactions

this is a picture of the chloroplast the organelle that creates glucose

this is a picture of the mitochondria the organelle that uses glucose to create ATP a special energy used to power other cells

Monday, February 8, 2010

before microscopes people thought you got diseases from curses and supernatural spirits. once microscopes came along scientists discovered microorganisms this enabled them to study cells.
anton van leeuwenhoek was the first person to look at water under a microscope, the microscope he used was a simple light microscope with one lens. compound light microscopes use a series of lenses to magnify objects
there are 3 ideas to the cell theory
1. all organisms are composed of one or more cells
2.the cell is the basic unit of organization of organisms
3.all cells come from preexisting cells

cells that do not contain internal membrane bound structure are called prokaryotic cells
cells containing membrane bound structures are called eukeryotic cells
membrane bound structures within eukaryotic cells are called organelles each organelle has a funcoion that contributes to survival